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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeFor Professionals2014 Catalogue is here!

2014 Catalogue is here!

EDCoverWe are happy to announce that the 2014 Gürze-Salucore Eating Disorders Resource Catalogue is now available. As in years past, the release will coincide with National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The 2014 edition will deliver the informed, research-based, high quality content that we all have come to depend on for over 30 years.


Catalogues are in the mail and you will be receiving yours soon. Please tell us what you think. You can tweet at us @EDcatalog or send us a message on our Facebook page. We can’t wait to hear from you.

This year’s catalogue will feature books, excepts from authors like Jenni Schaefer, Dr. Christopher Fairburn, and Dr. Margo Maine, as  well as articles written specifically for the catalogue. The articles were written by Walter Kaye, MD, Sandra Kronberg, MS, RD, CDN, CEDRD, Kathy Kater, LICSW, and others. The new catalogue is available for download off our website now by clicking here –

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