Books Starting with T
Table in the Darkness: A Healing Journey Through an Eating Disorder
By Lee Wolfe Blum
205 pages, paper, 2013
[asa book]0830843086[/asa]
Taking a Detailed Eating Disorder History: A Comprehensive Guide for Clinicians
By James R. Kirkpatrick
302 pages, hardcover/paperback, 2018
[asa book]0415793580[/asa]
Taste the Sweet Rebellion Rebel Against Dieting Workbook
By Kait Fortunato, Dana Magee, and Rebecca Bitzer
160 pages, paperback, 2015
[asa book]0990401014[/asa]
Telling Ed No! and other practical tools to conquer your eating disorder and find freedom
By Cheryl Kerrigan
189 pages, paperback, 2010
[asa book]093607762X[/asa]
Ten-Mile Morning: My Journey Through Anorexia Nervosa
By Adam Lamparello
163 pages, paperback, 2012
[asa book]0761858032[/asa]
The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders, 2nd Edition
By W. Stewart Agras & Athena Robinson
560 pages, hardcover, 2018
[asa book]0190620994[/asa]
The Skills Training Manual for Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Clinician’s Guide for Treating Disorders of Overcontrol
By Thomas R. Lynch
584 pages, paperback, 2018
[asa book]1626259313[/asa]
The Weight of Being: How I Satisfied My Hunger for Happiness
By Kara Richardson Whitely
272 pages, paperback, 2018
[asa book]1580056474[/asa]
Thickening Fat: Fat Bodies, Intersectionality and Social Justice
By May Friedman, Carla Rice & Jen Rinaldi
274 pages, hardcover/paperback, 2019
[asa book]1138580031[/asa]
Thin A Memoir of Anorexia and Recovery
By Grace Bowman
In ‘Thin’, Grace tells her own story of anorexia and recovery. At the age of eighteen, she went on a diet that didn’t stop; that couldn’t stop. Her life turned away from friends, school and future plans to calorie counting, weighing scales and isolation. ‘Thin’ is a sensitive and honest account of how anorexia feels from the inside and how its perpetual voice strangles out normal life. Grace examines how her fragile self-esteem and performance anxieties were placated by her eating disorder, which gave her a very specific sense of control when she felt vulnerable and exposed.
‘Thin’ is an attempt to narrate an experience which often felt outside of words or conventional narrative patterns – it was an experience rooted in body, emotion and affect, but presented itself as a separate irrational mental force. Grace charts her slow journey through recovery in her own way; and explains how she re-established a connection with her body; and found a shape of her own against a tide of bodily dissatisfaction, distorted media imagery in an obsessive dieting culture.
Grace Bowman is a researcher and writer working in the field of Medical Humanities. She has two children and lives in London.
304 pages, hardcover & paperback, 2008
[asa book]0141022841[/asa]
This Messy Magnificent Life: A Field Guide
By Geneen Roth
224 pages, hardcover, 2018
[asa book]1501182463[/asa]
Thriving after Trauma: Stories of Living and Healing
By Shari Botwin
272 pages, hardcover, 2019
[asa book]1538125609[/asa]
Throwing Starfish Across the Sea: A Pocket-Sized Care Package for the Parents of Someone with an Eating Disorder
By Charlotte Bevan & Laura Collins Lyster-Mensh
96 pages, paperback, 2013
[asa book]1494307146[/asa]
Trauma-Informed Approaches to Eating Disorders
By Andrew Seubert & Pam Virdi
96 pages, paperback, 2013
[asa book]0826172644[/asa]
Treating Bulimia in Adolescents : A Family-Based Approach
By Daniel Le Grange & James Lock
This is a clinician’s handbook that draws very much on the authors’ earlier work in terms of family-based treatment for adolescent anorexia nervosa. The purpose of this manual is to serve as a step-by-step guide for the seasoned eating disorder clinician as they embark on engaging parents in support of their adolescent with bulimia nervosa. It starts out with a description of bulimia nervosa in adolescents and the extent to which this disorder both differs and overlaps with anorexia nervosa in this same age group. It carefully describes how this approach for bulimia nervosa is different from the same approach for anorexia nervosa, and then carefully walks the clinician through the more staged early treatment sessions, as well as the subsequent somewhat less circumscribed treatment guidelines. This is a practical book and should serve as a helpful therapist guide in working with teens and their families.
260 pages, paper, 2007
[asa book]1606233513[/asa]
Treating Eating Disorders in Adolescents: Evidence-Based Interventions for Anorexia, Bulimia, and Binge Eating
By Tara Deliberto & Dina Hirsch
328 pages, paper, 2019
[asa book]1684032237[/asa]
Treatment Manual for Anorexia Nervosa, Second Edition : A Family Based Approach
By James Lock and Daniel Le Grange
This book updates the first treatment manual published for therapists to use for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. The book begins by describing the scientific rationale behind family based treatment and the increasing body of evidence supporting its usefulness in combating anorexia nervosa in the adolescent age group. Next, the book illustrates the main interventions utilized in family based treatment in the context of case vignettes and verbatim illustrations from sessions. The result is a lively, engaging, and practical book that therapists can reliably use to learn about family based treatment for anorexia nervosa.
271 pages, hardcover, 2012
[asa book]1462506763[/asa]
The Treatment of Eating Disorders : A Clinical Handbook
By Carlos M. Grilo & James E. Mitchell
606 pages, hardcover, 2009
[asa book]1609184955[/asa]
The Treatment of Eating Disorders : Bridging the Research-Practice Gap
By Margo Maine, Beth Hartman McGilley & Douglas W. Bunnell
Eating disorders affect at least 30 million people in the United States each year, spreading across age, race, ethnicity, socio-economic class, and the globe. While the professional literature on the subject has grown considerably, a significant gap remains between research paradigms and the clinical realities confronting practitioners. This volume bridges such gaps, assuring that research better informs clinical work, and clinical work better informs the research agenda and process. Content areas include: the biopsychosocial nature of eating disorders; diagnosis and treatment; special populations; family issues; clinical interventions to address mind, body, and spirit; and future directions. This unique integration of theoretical findings and actual practice borrows a bench-to-bedside approach from medical research, enhancing both domains.
526 pages, hardcover, 2010
[asa book]0123756685[/asa]
Treatment Plans and Interventions for Bulimia and Binge-Eating Disorder
By Rene D. Zweig & Robert L. Leahy
180 pages, paperback, 2012
[asa book]146250258X[/asa]
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TuTu Thin A Guide to Dancing Without an Eating Disorder
By Dawn Theodore
Read our exclusive interview with Dawn by clicking here
178 pages, paperback, 2015
[asa book]0578156733[/asa]