Books about Bulimia
50 Strategies to Sustain Recovery From Bulimia
by Jocelyn Golden
Jocelyn describes strategies that she used in her recovery from bulimia and still uses today. She stresses that these strategies should be used as a compliment to professional treatment, and if you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder you should seek professional treatment.
221 pages, paperback, 2011
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Andrea’s Voice: Silenced by Bulimia
by Doris Smeltzer
Andrea Smeltzer’s voice seemed the “theme” of her brief 19-year life: It allowed her to sing masterful operatic renditions; it permitted her to speak foreign languages like a native, and contributed to her ability to be a vocal advocate for human rights. And yet it took bulimia a mere 13 months to silence Andrea’s voice forever. This is her story.
256 pages, paperback, 2006
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Brain Over Binge: Why I Was Bulimic, Why Conventional Therapy Didn’t Work, and How I Recovered for Good
by Kathryn Hansen
Kathryn Hansen describes her battle with bulimia, bingeing and purging, and how she was able to overcome her eating disorder. Kathryn discusses how she used the power of her brain to stop the cycle of bingeing and purging, and how even though most people argue eating disorders are about something else, for her it was about the food.
307 pages, paperback, 2011
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Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery
by Lindsey Hall and Leigh Cohn
When Lindsey Hall printed a booklet with her story of recovery from bulimia, it was the first publication ever written on the topic. After two more booklets, she and husband Leigh Cohn combined them into a book in 1986, and now, 150,000 copies and five revisions later, they have released a 25th anniversary edition of Bulimia: A Guide to Recovery.
280 pages, paperback, 2010
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The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bulimia
By Ellen Astrachan-Fletcher & Michael Maslar
192 pages, paper, 2009
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Living with B: A College Girl’s Struggle with Bulimia and Everyday Life
By Stephanie Caprini
As if holding a mirror to her own life, Stephanie wrote this book as a form of autobiographical fiction. She wanted to share her story and welcome the reader into her mindset while still creating an entertaining and readable account of what living with bulimia is like. She noted that many of the books on the subject were dark and depressing, and while struggling with this addiction is not to be taken lightly, she wanted to bring an element of self-reflected humor to the story to help reach more people and have them connect with the character’s very pervasive yet maybe not-so-hard-to-understand reality.
340 pages, paperback, 2010
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The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Bulimia
By Emily K. Sandoz, Kelly G. Wilson & Troy DuFrene
137 pages, paperback, 2011
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The Overcoming Bulimia Workbook
By Randi E. McCabe, Traci McFarlane & Marion P. Olmsted
220 pages, paperback, 2003
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My Name is Caroline : A Candid, hard-hitting account of a 7-year decent into bulimia, leading up to a final victorious triump of the addiction, 2nd edition
By Caroline Adams Miller
288 pages, paperback, 2014
Twenty-five years ago, Harvard graduate Caroline Adams Miller published the first major autobiography by a bulimia survivor, “My Name is Caroline” Doubleday 1988), an international best-seller that shed new light on how to recover at a time when little was known about how to treat eating disorders. An alternate selection of the Literary Guild, the book tells the story of how Caroline’s privileged Washington, DC life of competitive swimming, private schools and academic success masked her descent into bulimia, which she hid from everyone, even while graduating magna cum laude from Harvard and marrying her college sweetheart. In early 1984, she hit her last bottom and clawed her way back to health with the help of a 12-step group, therapy and role models. The book has garnered praise from all corners of the eating disorder world for decades for its hopeful approach, with therapists calling it “must reading” while family members say that it gave them helpful insight into the lives of loved ones. The new release features an updated introduction from Miller, as well as a foreword by Sharon Peterson, LCSW, founder of the Eating Disorder Network of Maryland, about how the book’s impact helped pave the way for enhanced treatment options, public awareness and a reduced stigma for sufferers.
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Positively Caroline: How I Beat Bulimia for Good…and Found Real Happiness
By Caroline Adams Miller
Since the publication of “My Name is Caroline,” Caroline has received over 100,000 emails, letters and calls from people who said the book gave them hope, but they also wanted to know something more important: Did she STAY in recovery? “Positively Caroline” is the first autobiography about decades of unbroken bulimia recovery, including descriptions of how Caroline’s recovery continued to evolve through diagnoses of depression and ADHD, bankruptcy, pregnancies and childbirth, and the painful legacy of childhood abuse. Finally, Caroline weaves in how achieving her cutting-edge Master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania in 2006 brought her closure on knowing her purpose and finding authentic happiness. In an interesting twist, Caroline’s 21-year-old daughter, Samantha, wrote the foreword about what it was like to be raised by a mother who never hid her bulimic past and how it has impacted her own journey into adulthood.
278 pages, paperback, 2013
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Sick Enough: A Guide to the Medical Complications of Eating Disorders
By Jennifer Gaudiani
276 pages, hardcover/paperback, 2018
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