Dangers of Anorexia
Anorexia nervosa has a multitude of medical complications ranging from mild to severe. In fact, 5-20% of anorexics die, usually from complications associated with self-starvation, such as: heart, kidney, or multiple organ failure, or illnesses like pneumonia, which may be due to an inability to fight infection—all due to the dangers of anorexia.
• Cardiac Problems—irregular heartbeat
• Gastrointestinal disorders—risk of internal bleeding, ulcers, gastritis, and constipation
• Amenorrhea—due to decreased estrogen production, which causes females to cease ovulation and mentration
• Anemia—a blood disorder characterized by either a decrease in the number of read cells, or a reduction in hemoglobin; the body’s ability to carry oxygen frm the lungs to its tissues is reduced; often caused by an iron deficiancy
• bingeing—an effect of starvation
• bruising
• decreased testicular function in men—some studies reveal a decrease in testosterone and certain male hormones
• dental decay and discoloration
• depressed immune system
• dizziness
• dry skin; brittle hair and nails
• edema—water retention, most commonly in the ankles and feet
• endocrine abnormalities
• fainting
• high cholesterol—an effect of starvation, not necessarily warranting a low cholesterol diet
• hyperactivity
• hypoglycemia
• increased risk of osteoporosis—bones lose density and fracture easily
• insomnia
• ketosis—the excessive accumultion of ketone bodies in the blood and urine, which is indicative of the body digesting its fat stores as a sole source of energy
• kidney damage/failure—usually due to dehydration; many be worsened by the use of diuretics
• lanugo—the growth of fine hair on the body, which is the body’s attempt to keep itself warm when fat stores are depleted
• liver damage—a condition that is usually irreparable
• loss of hair on the head
• low blood pressure
• low body temperature—causes anorexics to feel cold
• muscle cramps and weakness—usually due to electrolyte imbalances
• pancreatitis—the painful swelling of the pancreas evidenced by severe abdominal pain, distention, and fever
• sensitivity to light and sound
• yellow skin—also called hypercarotinemia
Reprinted with permission from Anorexia Nervosa: A Guide to Recovery
By Lindsey Hall & Monika Ostroff
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