Today Kathy welcomes Dr. Paige O’Mahoney, and they talk about overcoming overeating, chronic dieting and weight cycling – changing the conversation with your doctor. These topics are also covered at length in a book authored by Paige O’Mahoney, M.D., CHWC, and Karen Koenig, M.Ed., LCSW, titled, Helping Patients Outsmart Overeating: Psychological Strategies for Doctors and Health Care Providers.
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Paige O’Mahoney, M.D., CHWC is a health and wellness coach, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, and retired pediatrician who specializes in helping men and women overcome overeating. She is the founder of Deliberate Life Wellness LLC, a collaborative coaching and medical education initiative whose mission is to promote compassionate care, highlight resources and experts, and change the conversation about weight and wellness among patients, health care professionals, and policy makers. Information about her coaching practice, training seminars and workshops may be found at http://www.