Today, Kathy is joined by Carolyn Hodges Chaffee, MSRDN, CEDRD, and their topic is metabolic testing and body composition analysis. Carolyn gets technical in this episode but ties everything together nicely for the clinician and layperson alike.
Carolyn Hodges Chaffee, MSRDN, CEDRD is founder and owner of the Upstate New York Eating Disorder Service. Outpatient clinics are located in Elmira, Syracuse, Ithaca, and Binghamton. The partial hospitalization program, Sol Stone Center is located in Elmira, New York. The Upstate New York Eating Disorder Service serves more than 400 patients a year. Nutrition consultant and case manager for Cornell’s eating disorder program. Approximately 400 students are treated annually. Co-author of “Measuring Health from the Inside” (2015) Friesen Press. Member of AED, ANAD, AND, ASDAH, BEDA, IAEDP, NEDA, SCAN, STDA, and board member for Ophelia’s Place.
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