The recent article by Becker and colleagues in the International Journal of Eating Disorders examined the prevalence of eating disorder symptoms among individuals that nearly 16 million households in the United Statesin 2015 are due to experiencing food insecurity like individuals who are overweight or obese may experience weight stigma from the media and medical provider and those who are having inadequate access to sufficient food,both in terms of quuantity and quality,secondary to lack of financial or other reasons.finally ,although not directly assessed,anti obesity programs may negatively affect individuals.
Key Takeaways:
- Children of parents who can’t afford to properly feed them are more prone to develop eating disorders.
- Eating disorders can happen to anyone, without regard to race, gender or financial status.
- Parents and children in the same household may be food insecure because parents may give up food to the children.
“Thus, eating disorder symptoms may be elevated in individuals experiencing food insecurity compared with the general population based on previous research showing that consistent dietary restriction and stress can lead to binge eating and overeating.”
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