Going to college is hard for any student eager to earn a degree but for a small group of students suffering from an eating disorder, the transition is even more challenging. Nonetheless, overcoming an eating disorder and starting the best years of your life, aka the college years, is a realistic possibly with this information.
Key Takeaways:
- In the moment it can be so hard and upsetting to do this but the long-term benefits cannot be matched.
- Being away from home, living on your own, taking the next step in furthering both personal and professional values and of course having so much fun.
- Anytime you are out of your natural environment and routine, it gives the eating disorder a chance to rear its ugly head yet again and stir up those restrictive or obsessive thoughts-tempting you to give into this voice in situations you have never been in before.
“While leaving for college can be an emotional and perhaps challenging experience for anyone, leaving for college with an eating disorder can make things even more difficult.”