Mindy Jacobson-Levy and Maureen Foy-Tornay were kind enough to join us for an interview on their workbook, Finding Your Voice through Creativity: The Art and Journaling Workbook for Disordered Eating.
As art therapists who specialize in the treatment of Eating Disorders, you developed a book that encourages the use of words and art. Can you explain why you chose to combine these two forms of expression?
When we have intense emotions, for example happiness, sadness, anger, rage, guilt, and shame, we initially experience these feeling in our bodies (viscerally). While words help us to understand and share our feelings with others, we don’t always have words at our disposal. Individuals who struggle with disordered eating are often disconnected from their feelings, at least initially. The use of unhealthy behaviors may serve as a shield from distressing experiences and feelings, providing a temporary shelter from self-awareness.
Our book invites the reader to safely explore the barriers that interfere with recovery through a combination of art and journaling. Our intention was that the pages of the book would literally serve as a canvas for thoughts and feelings “spoken” primarily through images, and then elaborated upon through structured writing. Words are a common means of bridging communication with others (family, friends, therapists), as well as the self, making the workbook a structured venue for self-exploration. Journaling with art followed by words, also helps to contain the overwhelming feelings that make their debut through colors, lines, and shapes.
That’s it in a nutshell!
To read the entire exclusive interview, please click here.