It’s very important that medical professionals learn the signs and symptoms of eating disorders in its beginning statges in order to treat the patient before the disorder progresses. If treated early on there is a high chance of recovery of the eating disorder. Eating isorders are not discussed very much in the medical field because there is a stigma attached to it. More information needs to be taught to medical professionals besides just the basics that they know.
Key Takeaways:
- There is no way to identify who will have an eating disorder. Someone can have or develop one no matter their size, race, age, social status or gender.
- Weight loss or gain may be n indicator in any adolescent. Most people ho develop the disorder in their teen years do not seek treatment until later in life.
- Referring someone to a dietician is never a mistake because getting better isn’t just about food. It’s about making lifestyle changes to improve their overall health.
“Early detection and intervention is key for treating the disease. If we are able to get those struggling into proper treatment early on, it allows for the eating disorder voice to be challenged and quieted sooner.”
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